Essay / Theology

"I Believe in the Maker of Moderate-Sized Dry Goods"

Katherine Sonderegger has a fine chapter on the doctrine of creation in the book Mapping Modern Theology. I especially appreciate the fact that, charged with explaining in about 23 pages how the doctrine of creation has been treated during the entire modern period, she manages

Essay / Theology

Mapping Modern Theology

I’m glad to see that Baker Academic has released Kelly Kapic and Bruce McCormack’s Mapping Modern Theology: A Thematic and Historical Introduction.  This is a great textbook for understanding what’s happened in systematic theology over the last couple of centuries. I was honored to be invited

Essay / Theology

19 Books on the Church

The last few years, I’ve been reading and writing on ecclesiology. It’s a funny topic, one capable of being at one moment dull, at the next incendiary. There’s plenty out there that merely re-hashes standard material and parses terms ever more finely. Here, though, are

Essay / Theology

“The praise of God by crafting concepts”

John Webster on how Christian theology can be helpful: …only by recalling itself to its proper calling, which is the praise of God by crafting concepts to turn the mind to the divine splendor. But deeply important as they are, concepts are only serviceable as

Essay / Theology

Why Karl Barth is Hard to Read

I would gladly argue that Karl Barth’s writing is worth the hard labor it takes to get into, but it just needs to be said right up front that he makes some serious demands on his readers. Back in college, I was halfway through my

Essay / Theology

The Living One, Alive with Divine Life

John Webster on the meaning of the resurrection: “Jesus Christ lives. Whatever further claims may be made about the resurrection of Jesus, and whatever consequences it may be necessary to draw from the primitive Christian confession that ‘God raised him from the dead’ (Rom. 10:9),

Essay / Misc.

Now You See It, Now You Don’t

The church is a visible reality. Sort of. Evangelicals frequently forget, neglect or disdain the notion of the church’s visibility. This is more often than not a function of an ecclesiological minimalism. We get antsy around institutions and formalities, and we rejoice in the simplicity

Essay / Theology

Faith is Nothing

Faith is nothing. Really, it is. In fact, one way to ensure missing the gospel is to think faith is something. But it’s not. It’s really nothing at all. Faith is a negative concept that opens up space to speak about something else. It has

Essay / Misc.

Thinking in Commentary

It is hard for people today to respect commentary as an actual exercise of the intellect. We can’t help thinking that great minds, when engaged in worthwhile thinking, must surely strike out on their own. If you want ideas, you should look to modes of

Essay / Theology

9 Papers on the Doctrine of Scripture at LATC 2016

The 4th annual Los Angeles Theology Conference will be held on January 14 and 15, 2016, at Fuller Theological Seminary. Our theme is the doctrine of scripture: “The Voice of God in the Text of Scripture,” to be precise. Our plenary speakers will be William Abraham,

Essay / Blog

Three Records and Three Books

record noun \ˈre-kərd also –ˌkȯrd\  something on which sound or visual images have been recorded; specifically :  a disc with a spiral groove carrying recorded sound for phonograph reproduction You know, those big black circles with the hole in the middle? I had a baby blue and white plastic Fisher Price

Essay / Theology

Mary Daly (1928-2010): Radical Feminist Theologian

The term “radical feminism” gets tossed around pretty loosely in theological circles, and usually means “feminism that goes farther than I’m comfortable with.” But there are such things as radical feminist theologians. Probably the most influential of them all, Mary Daly, died this week. This