Trinitarian Evangelicalism From Days of Old, entry #3,827 in an endless series: Joseph Irons (1785-1852) and his hymns:
WE sing the FATHER’s love–
We trust the SAVIOUR’s grace;
The HOLY SPIRIT’s power we prove,
Amidst the chosen race.
We give the FATHER praise–
We glorify the SON–
We bless the SPIRIT for his grace,
Which makes salvation known.
‘Twas God the FATHER chose
Our souls in God the SON;
And God the HOLY GHOST bestows
All blessings from the throne.
A TRIUNE GOD we own,
In daily songs of praise;
In persons THREE, in essence ONE,
The God of sov’reign grace.
(“Own” in the final stanza has the archaic sense of “to acknowledge.”)