Essay / Art

Spaaaace Tuuuunes!

pop rockets adventure week 2015Here’s some fun music by friends at my church: Lost in Space, by The Pop Rockets. Click through to the Noisetrade page to sample all five tracks and download them if you like what you hear.

As for me and my house, we like what we hear. Anybody with Vacation Bible School in their background will recognize the genre of these recordings pretty quickly: Bible memory songs using verses that hit the main points of the message of salvation. To be led through these peppy tunes every night for a week is to be led through the gospel.

But not every song designed for VBS use can be listened to by adults. These can. They are sturdily constructed, cleverly orchestrated, and well produced, with lots of musical talent and a keen sensibility feeding into them. Plus, owing to the “Lost in Space” theme of GraceEvFree’s Adventure Week this year, they’re full of keyboard-driven, space-age, synthesized, drum-machiney, lightly auto-tuned, and robot-ified sonics. I mean that as a compliment. And the warm voices of Kenny Clark and company come through wonderfully.

Plus there’s a re-tuned hymn: “I Will Sing of My  Redeemer,” with a lot more beats per minute than anyone could get away with back when Philip Bliss wrote it in 1876.

The music is free to you via Noisetrade, but if you enjoy it, use the button to leave a tip. Money will go to the church’s Project Hope, and specifically to help meet the needs of adoptive families.


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