Essay / Culture

Today Started Prohibition (1919)

It is hard to imagine, but 90 years ago, the Constitution was amended to make liquor illegal: no selling, manufacturing, or transporting beverage alcohol. If you look at all those progressive-era amendments to the Constitution, they’re all pretty interesting: 16th Amendment (1913): Federal Income Tax

Essay / Culture


Each new year is unsullied. It is time and space that, to our knowledge, no humans have traversed or occupied. We make plans, set goals, and create resolutions for the 31,536,000 seconds (give or take a few seconds) that we believe must be better than

Essay / Culture

The God Question

J.P. Moreland, 2008. I am delighted to have this opportunity to discuss my most recent book—The God Question. Let me explain a bit about why I am so passionate about it. In a way, it is my attempt to provide an alternative to the wave

Essay / Culture

Why Professors Blog

Professors are people with full-time jobs teaching students, researching subjects, and publishing their findings. Why would they add to this schedule something that is not a part of their job description: blogging? The question is not merely, ahem, academic. There are plenty of professors who

Essay / Culture

The Color Line Through This Century

Even though it’s a big political week and I’ve been consuming much more news and political analysis than is healthy, I happened to be thinking about something else on Monday. I was browsing century-old Los Angeles Times stories for a project, and found this intriguing

Essay / Culture

Vote. A Right…

Citizens of the United States of America are quick to argue that they have constitutional rights – for everything. Citizens defend clearly expressed rights such as the right to free speech, the right to not be searched or seized unreasonably, and the right to peaceably

Essay / Culture

Patriotism Firmly Rooted in Mid-Air

One morning last week, as I was driving to the Biola campus to teach a session on Aeschylus’ The Oresteia, I came across two vehicles with two very different sets of bumper stickers. One said “God Bless the World,” and the other, displaying his patriotism

Essay / Culture

The Election in Classical Context: Victor Davis Hanson at Biola

Here is audio from Victor Davis Hanson’s recent speech at Biola. Following the news day by day can kind of beat up your mind, especially right now with the election, the war, and the financial crisis. These are all big stories that don’t fit daily

Essay / Culture

Craig Hazen Reviews Religulous

Craig Hazen, the director of Biola University’s graduate program in Christian apologetics, has written an insightful review of the Bill Maher movie Religulous. It’s a documentary I won’t be seeing, not because I’m afraid to face criticism of what I believe, but because I’ve already

Essay / Culture

Pursuing a World of Dreams

Daily, I see people pursuing things they believe will make them happy. They live lives where one must be sleep deprived to the point of exhaustion to really be taking advantage of all that this life has to offer. They are always looking for the

Essay / Culture

A New Type of Christianity is Coming, is Here

Something new is coming, or perhaps is already here. It’s a new type of Christianity. It is still taking shape all around us, so it’s hard to describe. Labels won’t be any help. But one thing’s for sure. It Is The Future. Everything changes, and

Essay / Culture

Lost Dogs at the End of the Road

My favorite band, The Lost Dogs, just finished up a Route 66 road trip with a beach party concert in Santa Monica. It may not quite count as The American Dream, but winding from Chicago to L.A. on what is now the nostalgic back road