Essay / Theology

Event: Future of the Church, Sept. 9

future of church slice

Mark your calendar for an event Torrey Honors Institute is hosting at Biola University on Wednesday September 9 at 7pm (PST): The Future of the Church.

It’s a follow-up to last year’s very popular Future of Protestantism discussion, and an attempt to go one step bigger with the scope of discussion. “Bigger” could mean a lot of things, but what we have in mind this time is to talk about churches that are self-consciously world-wide: Roman Catholicism, Anglicanism, Pentecostalism, and Evangelicalism. Each of these groups is acutely conscious that their local churches are somehow globally connected to similar churches. With speakers from each tradition in the room, we’ll be asking about the unity and the division of these churches within themselves and among each other. We’re interested in how we got where we are, and in what to do next as we find ourselves in broken fellowship with other Christian groups.

The moderator and interrogator-in-chief is Torrey’s own theology professor Matt Jenson, author of The Church: A Guide for the Perplexed (T&T Clark, 2010).

Roman Catholic: Thomas Rausch of Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles.

Anglican: Ephraim Radner of Toronto School of Theology.

Pentecostal: Simon Chan of Trinity Theological College in Singapore.

Evangelical: Fred Sanders of Biola University.

And to close out the evening, Dr. Peter Leithart (Theopolis Institute) will offer a final reflection on the proceedings.

If you’re in southern California, come on out to Biola to be there in person. Otherwise, livestream it at the main site: Future of the Church.


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