John Wesley grew up in Epworth, Lincolnshire, before going to boarding school in London and then up to Oxford. At some point he drew up a list of Lincolnshire dialect terms. Richard P. Heitzenrater prints that list on p. 155 of The Elusive Mr. Wesley. I recommend reading it out loud. I don’t know which words are dirty, or I would apologize for publishing them.
You muckspout, you clartikettle, I’ll tan your bone-cart; ously fummart, silly kedgel; a twichel, a smooting, a blossom; rough robins, forking robins, through your ribs; as good do it soon as sins; I’m neither daunch nor divorous; in a stickle, stranny, sliving, flecked and spunged, halloking, heppen; I’ll uppod ye, to fridge, smoored, bare whittle and whang; the hogglecroggles, a hurrendurren, a dagbite, ’tis no raggle, rigwelted, swizzoned, to kink, bug, abboon, newther, rattenly, to clam, to clawny, to hover, to set a gate, to remble, to threpe, perseverance; murl, emse, orned, my stomach upbraids me, tull, gif, teethy, cummered, as rough as a heckle, behint, owry, obstakle, snacking, nazzarly, a bunch-clod, a nidgcock, to glog, to gausfer, to splawder, to raum, to stocken, to spray, to quail, a gatch, thepes, grissons, hoven, kedge, to whetter, marrow, never to braid of one, to paragaud, a mike, a gime, to addle, sulky, a doubler, craply, nothing but, to fugle, to fadge, to notch, a trail-tongs, a farrand.
Proof-read that twice, and still can’t be sure I got it right. Spellcheck cannot save you.