Essay / Theology

Tenth Annual G. Campbell Morgan Theology Conference

Here is a chance to survey the entire scope of Christian doctrine: a brief enough summary to show the whole thing at a glance, but with enough detail to see the various parts and how they relate to each other. We’ve put the entire 2011 G. Campbell Morgan Theology Conference online at Biola’s YouTube channel. Ten hours of theology by nine of our best theologians, each doing what they do best.

The live audience is freshmen and sophomores from the Torrey Honors Institute, right in the middle of their Spring semesters. Their normal coursework involves a lot of reading of Scripture and theological classics, and this conference is designed to supplement all of that primary text work by showing them the big picture. It also lets them sit back and listen for once, since normal Torrey sessions are Socratic, requiring a more active learning style.

This year, our tenth annual, was especially good. The students were uncommonly lively, especially for a captive audience of young people on a Spring day. And the ten-hour series of theologians were on task, obviously enjoying the chance to teach Christian doctrine.

Click here for the whole series, or see below for each of the talks.

Erik Thoennes on Theology and Revelation:

Rob Price on God and the World:

Matt Jenson on Humanity and Sin:

Ashish Naidu on Christology:

John McKinley on Pneumatology:

Fred Sanders on Soteriology:

Greg Peters on Ecclesiology:

Joanne Jung on Sanctification:

Mark Saucy on Eschatology:

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