John Mark Reynolds, 2004.
St. John Chrysostom: HOMILIES ON THE GOSPEL OF JOHN: “For while yet that blessed Body hung upon the tree, the sun turned away his rays, the whole earth was troubled and became dark, the graves were opened, the ground quaked, and an innumerable multitude of dead leaped forth, and went into the city. And while the stones of His tomb were fastened upon the vault, and the sells yet upon them, the Dead arose, the Crucified, the nail-pierced One, and having filled His eleven disciples with His mighty power, He sent them to men throughout all the world, to be the common healers of all their kind to correct their way of living, to spread through every part of the earth the knowledge of their heavenly doctrines, to break down the tyranny of devils, to teach those great and ineffable blessings, to bring to us the glad tidings of the soul’s immortality, and the eternal life of the body, and rewards which are beyond conception, and shall never have an end. “This is the standard of Christian scholarship. Here is rhetoric tied to sound theology to produce Christian men. My politics, my philosophy, my interest in the arts, must all be as filthy rags to the Gospel. The Gospel contains hope. God help me live up to this standard.