Title: Untitled (#2,621 in a series)
Artist: Freddy
Size: 11″ x 17″
Medium: Marker on high-acid paper
Provenance: Southern California, early 21st century
Now in the collection of: Private owner
The paintings of the artist known only as Freddy reflect, especially during his ongoing “knights” period, reflect the influence of the 11th century Bayeux tapestry and related works from medieval Europe, although he subjects his work to a strict discipline of simplification more in line with sumi-e brush paintings. The astonishing directness with which his images are constructed conceals the hours of research behind each drawing. In “Untitled” (#2,621 in the Knights series), the helmet is Freddy’s own modification of a traditional conical helmet with the addition of the descending nose guard and cheek guards modelled on the centaurs from the Narnia film.