Mr. Coulombe’s latest offering on Taki’s Magazine takes as its starting point the recent bill signed into law by our “undead” governor and moves on to explore a more fundamental issue about illegal immigration: the culture of “self-indulgence and sloth” espoused by the Anglo elite. In the words of the new Archbishop of Los Angeles: “We have an elite culture—in government, the media and academia—that is openly hostile to religious faith.” Hispanic America’s growth must be seen in this context.
Warning: If you have a stomach for honest self-inquiry, then read on. If you agree that a nation that cannot control its borders has relinquished its right to be independent and sovereign, but at the same time that the problem for the choices we have made in rejecting our spiritual nature has contributed to the problem, and we have only ourselves to blame for that–not Jose or Pablo–then read on.
Here is the link. Read, if you dare.