If you’d like to hear –nay, see— my lectures on The Triune God (Zondervan, 2016), then here’s some good news: we recorded them.
Professionally produced, the brand new Video Study (also called The Triune God) features 2 hours and 35 minutes of me talking through the material that went into the book. It’s nine sessions broken up into 16 segments.
For a set of video lectures like this, I had to leave out a lot of the details and just aim for the big picture. But the advantage of a flyover perspective like this (cruising altitude of 20,000 feet, I would estimate) is that you really do get the big picture: the main lines of the doctrinal structure stand out more clearly. In particular, I’m pleased with the way these lectures communicate my organizational decisions for handling the doctrine of the Trinity: I begin with the personal sendings of the Son and the Holy Spirit, then move to New Testament’s attestation of them, and only then study the Old Testament adumbration.
These lectures can stand alone as a presentation of the material. Although they track exactly with the chapter structure of the book, I don’t actually refer to the book at all. Not even once. And none of the sentences are identical with the book, either; I’m speaking extemporaneously on the same material.
Here’s the trailer for the series:
For the full description, click through to the product page at the Zondervan Academic site.
But here’s what prompted me to post about this right now: there’s a sale from April 18 to 20. The lectures are normally $39.99, but for three days are on sale for $18.00 (or on DVD for $22.50). That’s a big price dip with a specific expiration date, so do what you must.