Essay / Avant-Garde

Conversation on Theology & California

Here’s a one-hour video about theology and California, or, more specifically, Theology and California, the book of essays that Jason Sexton and I edited (Ashgate, 2014).

You can view it at Open Biola (which includes several video and audio options), or stream the embedded version here below.

Jason and I were joined by Bob Covolo, author of my favorite chapter in the book, on “A Theology of California Surf Culture.” Although it was a book release event, we did our best to make it an infotaining introduction to the whole intellectual project rather than just a promotion of the book.

Here are a few markers for what’s in the video:

Intro: Sanders on East of Eden, digging deep where you are, and theolocalism.
12:00: Bob Covolo on the theology of California surfing.
25:30: “Dude” as performative apophatic gesture
30:00: What we’re trying to do by engaging California culture
35:00: Is this just more California boosterism?
43:00: Why Abraham Kuyper thought California was the future of Christianity.
45:00: Overview of the chapters.
55:00: Questions from the audience.



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