A.M. Allchin’s is one of those names that you run across all the time, in many different contexts, and you ask yourself: who is this man? As it turns out, Allchin was quite a man and he appears to have known most of the biggest
Essay / Misc.
Essay / Misc.
A.M. Allchin’s is one of those names that you run across all the time, in many different contexts, and you ask yourself: who is this man? As it turns out, Allchin was quite a man and he appears to have known most of the biggest
Essay / Misc.
‘My theme is memory, that winged host that soared about me one grey morning of war-time. ‘These memories, which are my life – for we possess nothing certainly except the past – were always with me. Like the pigeons of St. Mark’s, they were everywhere,
Essay / Misc.
Today was the funeral of a friend of mine who died last week. I worked with him in the 1980’s at a canoe rental in Missouri. His name was Mark, and it’s no insult to say that he was an odd bird. I’m not going
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For several years, my wife and I have had a tradition of sharing our favorite Christmas music with friends. It started as actual mix tapes in the mid 90s, but has been CDs since then. We have a pretty good collection of Christmas music, and
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F.W. Robertson (1816-1853) was the kind of preacher people spoke of in superlatives: Charles Dickens reportedly said that “he was one of the greatest masters of elocution I ever knew. To hear Robertson read the church prayers was in itself a liberal education.” He was
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H. C. G. (that’s Handley Carr Glyn) Moule was born in 1841 and died on May 8, 1920. He served as the Bishop of Durham from 1901-1920. He was an acute scholar and a powerful communicator. He wrote great Bible commentaries, an outline of Christian
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(Here is a prayer I said for the graduates of the Torrey Honors Institute at today’s commencement) Father God, We bring these graduates before you today and we present them to you. We do not present them for your inspection, because we know you have
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The other day I was driving home, and I experienced someone with road rage—me. A car cut me off in what could only be described as an audition for a job as stunt driver in the next Jerry Bruckheimer movie. As this car cut in
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I’ve been teaching in the Torrey Honors Institute for four years now, and nearly all of the students I have mentored over that time will be graduating in a few weeks. I still remember sitting in a circle of desks in the McNally buildings with
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Today (April 4) is the day when Ambrose of Milan died in 397. Ambrose is one of the biggest names in the history of the early church, one of the traditional “Four Doctors of the Western Church.” He was the bishop of Milan when Augustine
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From pride’s self-circled center which Requires a crowd that can applaud Each word of mine, each move and twitch, Deliver me, O Father God! From sloth’s complacent settling in, Remaining still when called to run, Entangled and beset by sin, Deliver me, O risen Son!
Essay / Art
Wrong Way — Right Way Air An Invitation A Paycheck Hell Sinners All The World What Death Is Rejecting Ignoring A Stopped Watch All-Seeing “Be Ye Ready” Heaven No Savior Substitute An Anchor My Glasses Dark Glasses A Grade Book A Love Letter Mosquito Bites