Here is a sermon I got to preach in chapel at Talbot School of Theology on September 10, 2013.
I am in awe of the doctrine in 1 John 1:5 that “God is light.” It’s one of those biblical statements that makes perfect sense of everything else, but that somehow only came to expression in this one place. In that way, it’s like the priesthood of Christ, which is only made explicit in Hebrews but is demanded by so many other theological lines of thought throughout the Bible. In this sermon, I look backwards and forwards from that verse, exploring a few of the presuppositions behind it, and then drawing out some of the implications that follow from it. No surprise it all comes out trinitarian (with a little help from both Homer and Homer Simpson, but none from the Johannine Comma).
I’ve embedded the sermon below. It’s also available at Open Biola, along with lots of other Biola-curated content.