Essay / Theology

Pro-Nicene Theology (Free E-Book)

Short story: here’s a free theology book to download. Long story: In late 2016, Mike Allen and Scott Swain edited a blog series at Zondervan’s Common Places devoted to Pro-Nicene Theology. Pro-Nicene theology is trinitarianism, of course, but it’s not just the doctrine of the Trinity

Essay / Theology

Was Revealed, Is Revealed

Once upon a time, the triune God revealed the triunity of God. Before that time, God was triune but wasn’t saying so. Maybe there were hints and undertones here and there in the ways and words of the triune God throughout the Old Testament, but

Essay / Theology

Absolute and Relative Regarding God

This post is just me preemptively sorting out some terminological confusion in academic trinitarian theology, so if you read it and then find yourself asking, “who cares?” you can’t say I didn’t warn you. The answer is, “seven people care.” So if you’re one of

Essay / Theology

The Triune God: Book Release Today

Today is the official release date of my book, The Triune God, in Zondervan’s ambitious New Studies in Dogmatics series edited by Allen and Swain. Its cover has a nice, minty green color that will look good under your favorite theologian’s Christmas tree. Put a little

Essay / Theology

Dogmatics Class for LATC17

In mid-January of 2017, the Los Angeles Theology Conference will bring a remarkable group of theologians to Biola University for a two-day discussion of “The Task of Dogmatics.” (Register before the end of November for the early registration discount.) Theology professors in southern California should

Essay / Theology

Helpful Resources from Classical Trinitarianism

The theme for the annual meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society this year is the Trinity, so you can imagine how many sessions there are that I’m eager to attend. There’s also an ongoing Trinitarian Theology Consultation at ETS, which does Trinity programming every year.

Essay / Theology

“Preserving, of Course, the Properties of Each” (Beckwith)

There’s an ancient rule for talking about the triune God’s action in the world: the outward works of the Trinity are undivided (opera Trinitatis ad extra indivisa sunt). It’s an important guideline that delivers you from thinking about three divine agents doing different things, which would

Essay / Theology

A Census of Triadic Occurrences (Rodrick Durst)

Dr. Rodrick Durst (Gateway Seminary of the West) recently published Reordering the Trinity: Six Movements of God in the New Testament (Kregel: 2015). I’ve never seen anything quite like this book. The title Reordering the Trinity sounds edgy, like Durst is going to claim something

Essay / Theology

The Triune God at ETS 2016

My book The Triune God (part of Zondervan’s New Studies in Dogmatics series) has an official release date of Dec 6, which is a few weeks after the annual meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society in mid-November. But here’s good news: Zondervan will have copies

Essay / Theology

Do I need a Job or Vocation?

Every year some untold numbers of students enter their senior year in colleges and universities across the nation. They’ve done it! They have successfully navigated the complexities of earning a bachelor’s degree in their chosen field of study. They have mastered the art of reading,

Essay / Blog

T&T Clark Companion to the Atonement

This week, I submitted the manuscript for the T&T Clark Companion to the Atonement, an edited work with 18 major chapters and 85 shorter essays from scholars around the world, exploring the doctrine of the atonement from a variety of angles. The various essays explore

Essay / Theology

Life After Rahner’s Rule

Once upon a time, Karl Rahner wrote a phrase that launched a thousand theological ships: “The economic Trinity is the immanent Trinity and vice versa.” Those ten words (nine in German, where “vice versa” is just “umgekehrt”) provoked thousands of pages of discussion in the